Sunday 14 December 2008

Sell your own products on Clickbank

1. You sign up to CB click here to open an account

2. You create your product. - easier said than done ! If you're product is in a saturated market it needs to be head and shoulders above the competition, if not you're going to have to have a large marketing budget ! You also have to give a lot of thought as to how to price your product ! This is crucial, checkout what similar products are selling for, underprice and the customer gets suspicious, overprice and you'll get no sales ! You also need to givea lot of thought as to what you will pay your affiliates - this is crucial. Offer too little and no one will take up your cause. Over pay and you need to shift a lot more product.
Before you come to market, do some great research on both your idea and what’s already out there. chances are whatever you are thinking of launching - has already been done over and over - however don’t let that stop you, just DO IT BETTER and you WILL succeed - if you work at it hard enough !
3. You create the pitch page where you will sell the product with buy now buttons. You get it approved by CB along with your thank you page where your product sits.
4. The customer comes to your pitch page, clicks 'buy', and pays through CB's payment gateway.
5. If the transaction is successful - they get to your thank you page - Your product is sitting on the thank you page.

Post Launch

You might think that as a vendor you have it made - things are easy - everyone is working for you - you just collect fat pay checks. Well ok some of that IS indeed true. However here is a part of being a vendor one often overlooks and then finds it tedious to have to render:

*Customer support - IF YOUR PRODUCT goes HUGE - YOU will have a LOT of customer support to deal with. That’s a ‘good’ thing though. I would rather deal with small little problems all day due to payments and order instead of chasing them to begin with - If I can make a million by dealing with peoples download problems or other delivery problems - my only answer is “pass me the phone I’ll start right now”.

*Affiliate recruitment - You’re always going to be recruiting into your army - ALWAYS - you’re like a gang leader, and must preach to your crew that they need to recruit too - however they will refuse because they want a small team - not a saturated one. You will always be recruiting don’t forget that.

*Affiliate support - Often uderestimated. Affiliates have their own set of needs, and you must tend to them. You must help them shape their campaigns, offer them advice, give them what they need in order to make YOU money.

*Maintenance/updates - You will need to make new creatives once in a while, new articles, new videos, new ’stuff’ in order to keep you and your affiliates campaigns fresh.

*Competitive Intelligence - You will need to watch those close to your circle, and see if they are doing anything sparatic that can potentially harm your positioning. Always know what your competitors are doing.

*Management - Day to day you will have various little things you’ll need to do. You’ll notice a few of your affiliates might be bad apples, you’ll notice your site slow down or error or get hacked, you’ll notice you’re NOT converting NOR is anyone for a while, you’ll have to keep your ship running smoothly and with a smile yet firm and confident nature. Don’t forget - you are the owner of a big operation now - and you have a huge sales team to look after - a huge monetization closed loop that you must keep squeeky clean in order for it all to equate to that elusive first thought and end goal - MONEY. If you do all of this, and you succeed - what do you do? Launch another product, and another - soon you will have an array of revenue streams, some will outdo others, some will fail miserably, overall though - THAT is leverage.

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