Monday 29 December 2008

Earn Cash Online Submitting Articles

We all have heard the term “It Takes Money To Make Money.” The way that the world is systematically run it really appears that the statement is true in all situations. I remember when I was unemployed years ago, I realized that I was spending the little money that I had left in transportation and supplies for resumes, anything that was left went to my lunch while beating the pavement in the city. No matter how hard I tried to get around that statement somehow it kept coming back to attack me. When I embarked into the Internet Marketing arena my goal was to find a way to market on a ZERO budget and still Earn Cash Online. I tried and tried and could not find a way that could bring me real cash. After months of searching, in walks the “Bum Marketing Method” or the politically correct term Article Marketing Method.

Bum Marketing is a sure fire way to market products without having a budget, a website, a squeeze page, or other great internet marketing amenities that you can think of. This is what I would call the Little Man’s Method with the Big Boy payout. Even the Big Boys in the business find themselves using this method to drive traffic to their website or to push and sell products that they stand behind. The great thing about Bum Marketing to Earn Cash Online is that you don’t even have to be a great writer. Its more about article quantity that article quality. I will explain this a little later. Now don’t get me wrong there is always a method to the madness, but you don’t have to be a professional writer or ad copy producer in order to give people what they are looking for.

Now that you have an idea of what Bum Marketing is and that it is a sure fire way to Earn Money Online lets talk about the HOW in this method.
The first thing you want to consider when using this method to Earn Money Online is “Product.” What is it that I plan on writing about? Not only that but do I believe in or stand behind the product or resource that I am about to promote. This is essential because the more you believe in something the more passionate you will be in your writing. The passionate your are the more likely people will begin to engage in your article. Its horrible to read an article written by someone who has now faith in his own words. My kids have this thing they do when someone is just talking to be talking...Blah Blah Blah...I used to wonder why they did that and then one day it hit me. The person is just talking “but they aint sayin nothin.” I know that’s bad English but I’m sure you get my point a lot better. That’s common among bloggers and article writers. So what ever you do believe in your product.

Once you have your product, your next step is to come up with a keyword. Keywords are critical to your success in any kind of Internet Marketing. How can you expect to Earn Cash Online if search engines cant find you. Mastering keywords or phrases is the key to your success. Lets use this article as a example. From the time you started reading this article until the time you reached this point there is a keyword phrase that you have read at least four times. Do you know what it is? I will give you a hint, its also in my title. You give up? Earn Money Online. This makes the fifth time that you have come across this phrase. Google and Yahoo will crawl your title and article to look for information that is relevant to what you said. When it sees certain words or phrases that are in the title and are repeated through out the article you will stand a better chance of your article or webpage being listed at the top of that word search or phrase.

Now last but not least. Once you have determined your product or niche, you have grabbed a keyword, you have written your article the final step is to submit your article for internet publication. If you read any of my articles you will notice that I am big on the word FREE. Why pay a boatload of money to have your article submitted to places when your main goal is just to get in the search engines. Guess what...... I’m about to let the cat out the bag and show you the premium free spots to list your article and be seen on Google with 72hrs. Now when you get to the top don’t forget about brother OK.

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